How To Add Facebook Follow Button In Blogger

Facebook giant social networking site which usually connect millions of people in a day . You can also get huge traffic from facebook by promoting your blog . You can make facebook fanpage fans by promoting your blog fanpage and also you exchange links in facebook by posting your blog urls . This is a must have widget especially for blogger . By this follow button you can make visitors directly follow your blog .

Tutorial : How To Add Facebook Follow Button In Blogger

#1. Now go to Facebook developers page : Click Here

#2. You will see like image below now edit Profile URL with your required url .

Social Plugins : If you want to add any like box or any send facebook button you can simply select option and you create app for your blog .

#3. You can adjust width , height , color , layout style before getting code . After customizing . Click on Get Code .

#4. A pop up will appear you have to select IFRAME .
 (if you are a facebook app developer(Previous any app developed) click on the app which you want to address present app ).

#5. Paste code in Add Gadget in layout section .

Congos , You just added Follow button to your blog .

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